Minimalist Baker's Golden Curry Lentil Soup


I made this Minimalist Baker recipe for personal meal prep recently, and put a few containers in the freezer. It's a perfect recipe on a cold rainy (or if you’re not in Van- snowy) fall or winter day! I love recipes that I can batch cook and keep well in the fridge and freezer. This makes eating at home much simpler, if you know you have a quick meal at hand! It’s great for entertaining as well!

Tips + Tricks

For this recipe I did a bit less carrot and added in Sweet Potato as I had some on hand and I find it makes it a bit more robust. 

I also didn’t add all the broth at once as I wanted it to be a thicker stew not as soup-ey! But be sure to add enough broth to feed the red lentils so they become nice and soft! They require a significant amount of liquid! 

I like to make about 2 cups of Grains such as rice or quinoa at the start of the week to keep in the fridge to serve with these types of dishes (also very useful for a Quick Rice Bowl). 

I will also saute greens such as spinach or kale to serve alongside this recipe, adding that little bit of extra fibre and phytonutrients!